Wednesday, November 9, 2016

America ~ What have you done? ~ #LibertyDies #AmericaCries #StartingOver

So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause. ~ Princess Amidala, Star Wars 3

My country died tonight. The one I was born in, the one I grew up in, the one I fought to get back to when a job circumstance took me out of it. Many of you will think that I’m am wrong but let’s think about this for a moment from my perspective.

I am a true believer of the words written on the Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!  The other things I truly believe in are government without religious interference, a place where I am free to make decisions about my own body, a country where there is no glass ceiling because I’m a woman, a country where all can get married that want to get married, a place that readily accepts the LGBTQ community without prejudice, a place for Hispanics as well as those of the Muslim faith and I truly believe the people of America have elected someone who will be the death of democracy.

Trump’s rhetoric wasn’t aimed at the populace who voted him in, mainly uneducated white Christian males. He just touched a nerve, played on their fears and frustrations made so by the system as it stands. No, it was aimed at the minorities that stand to lose the most. It was putting them on notice. We must keep them safe at all cost. We must keep their freedom safe at all cost. If we don’t, we are not keeping to the original tenets of this country. Times change and our outlook needs to change too of that I am sure. I am sorry if many don’t want it…too late…it’s here in a big, big way. Change this way is a slap in the face and it more than likely won’t give us the results we want.

There is room for everyone in this world, not matter who they are. It’s time to get race, sex, sexual orientation, political affiliation and religion off the table as judging tools and discord. This country needs to remember who we are…we the people…that’s who we are. We don’t give in, we don’t give up, we don’t elect those who won’t serve us all. We are hurting, though some of us are jubilant, but we’re all still we the people.

That means no matter who you are, you need to get along with your fellow Americans. We need to look beyond this election and realize the fact the fight isn’t over. The fight for good will never be over. The man who has been elected is repulsive and horrid and everything so many of us aren’t. We have to deal with it and use the system to fight him. Use our democracy to override what he wants and make it what we the people want. We need to make sure that this rich, arrogant man won’t stick it to each and every one of we the people.

I wish I could believe his speech as he accepted that he had won. But I can’t. I can’t because of his actions. He will need a lot of positive actions to get my support in any way, shape or form. I know you’re telling me to get over it, grieve, heal, move on…but something is telling me that I’m in the fight for my way of life…for the American way of life. 

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