Saturday, November 19, 2016

Critical Meltdown ~ #IamtheResistance #StrongerTogether #LoveTrumpsHate

I just read a post where someone was getting all over actor Tom Hanks for asking people to calm down and saying we were going to be alright. That person, actually more than one someone, read that as him giving a green light to the other side. But that isn't what he said at all. Matter of fact, he didn’t even imply that at all. Never mind that the venue really wasn’t one with a political agenda.

Then it suddenly dawned on me what we’re all missing. Yes, we missed just how far off we were from the other side but if we continue down this path, we aren’t any better than that other side. We can’t have an all or nothing attitude because that isn’t how people, or politics, work. We learn, we compromise, we eventually get what’s going on and then we try to change the wrongs we see.

Tom Hanks asked for calm and he was right in doing so. Why many of you are asking…and…the reason is simple: There is a difference between being passionate for something and having passion. Having passion, or sometimes called in the heat of the moment, can mean we make very wrong decisions. We act irrationally, say the wrong thing, we act in way totally opposing what we want and then we are left with a void of confusion. Sometimes we wonder ‘what the hell was that’ and we flounder as we try to justify our outburst. We rationalize our thoughts and actions as we try to make sense of things, instead of the fact we should just admit we were angry. All the while, we have lost that which we sought because those we wanted to influence by our outburst just did a complete one-eighty away from us.

When we are passionate about something, we plan, we scheme and we manipulate the world around us to make that, whatever that may be, happen. We need to be focused on our mission else we become the very thing we are fighting against. None of us want that at all. We want a better place where everyone one can live in peace and harmony regardless of their beliefs, sexual orientation and so much more.

Now, I am not saying we shouldn’t stand up to all the negative that’s happening in our world today. No, that’s never going away and I will stand against it on BOTH sides. We’ve truly got to grab the bull by the horns and lead him to the right direction. We should continue to point out our displeasure and start acting like we mean it by signing petitions, calling politicians and volunteering to do more for the causes we believe in. We should never become those we deplore.

We have to quit thinking it’s an all or nothing scenario. Each person processes grief and anger differently. We have to realize this and move on. Not everyone will agree 100% on anything. Ever. We need to get over that way of thinking. And we need to allow the others their right to think and process things in their own way. Eventually, they will realize just what Trump has cost them. It’s our duty to make them see that with the best truths available, not tear down people because they don’t say the same things the way we do.

Beating up Tom Hanks for saying we’ll be alright, isn’t the way to make that change happen because we WILL be all right. The government is more than just one man or woman. At last count, there were 435 in the House, 100 in the Senate and 9 Supreme Court Justices that decide our fate. Add that the many more at the State level and there are a lot of people we can, and will influence.

We need to be positive change and not condemn everything we see as not agreeing with us 100%. It’s like herding cats. In case anyone wonders what I mean, look it up on YouTube and watch the videos. You’ll get a great laugh. See, cats can never be herded at all. Sometimes when you try, you’ll get bit and scratched. You can try to herd people then get mad at them because they resist. It isn’t going to work. Only when they see the whole picture, both sides, and can then decide for themselves will they stop resisting. But not everyone is a big picture person and again, we’ll have to work hard to make the light bulb go off.

Nothing in this world will ever make racism for any reason or misogyny right. And those people who have that ideology will need to be dealt with differently. But for the general populace, who is just trying to live their lives, a more temperate approach is needed, something more logical based that will reason with them.

As for us, we just need to have a plan. Then we need to work that plan. And if all goes according to plan, we need to celebrate our victories. It’s not going to be an easy battle but bashing those who have a more temperate demeanor isn’t going to help our cause.

That’s it for today. See you soon!


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Never Silent ~ #IamtheResistance #StrongerTogether #LoveTrumpsHate

After reading and researching for days, I know I can’t be silent. It’s when we’re silent that democracy dies. It’s when we’re silent that Congress, namely the House, sneaks in pesky riders can defeat even the best bills.

That’s exactly what happened to Obamacare. They made it so bad and then gave it the president’s name that signed it so you’d all blame him. The reality of the situation is that while the President signed the bill, he’s not the one who has ruined it. Corporations and an uncaring House, full of Republicans, ruined it.

Moving on as this wasn’t really what I intended to talk about here, there will be many more things as time moves on and I plan to take them as they come. I will talk about the plan Trump laid out for his first 100 Days, item by item, and you can decide if it’s going to be as good for you as you hope.

For me, I will do one deed daily to move forward a more progressive agenda. I will talk about everything I can to help people make more informed and better decisions about what is going on in your world. While I can’t watch every State, if I do see something I feels is particularly detrimental for you, I will point it out.

See, it will be up to each of us to be motivated and moving toward that America we all want. The Republican party won’t do it and while the Democrats had much better plans, I was going to be watching to make sure they too were doing more for we the people.

More articles to read, more thoughts to ponder and thing about as you choose your part of resistance:

That’s about it for today. See you tomorrow with more.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Loving Liberty ~ #IamtheResistance #StrongerTogether #LoveTrumpsHate

From time to time, there will be little to say. Everyone knows my stance and they’ve gotten some idea on just how I plan to help make change. On those days, I will put up memes designed to motivate you or to get you thinking about the bigger picture.

It’s the bigger picture we all need to see and work with to make real change happen.

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow.


Friday, November 11, 2016

The Donald Needs To Speak Up ~ #IamtheResistance #StrongerTogether #LoveTrumpsHate

Before I even start this post I want to thank all those in the military for protecting my freedom and the American way of life. You and yours have sacrificed so much for all of us. This is your day and I commend you. Now on to my post.

I am so done with being told I have to suck it up, move on, the protesters are whiners and on and on. I am not trying to impose my thoughts on anyone. We are all free to think as we want, vote for who we want and feel the way we want. That is our right in the USA and I am NOT trying to force you to believe what I believe at all but am attempting to show the big picture.

I get the people who are red because I was raised red. I understand how the despair gets so deep that you can’t find any way out of your situation. You want to hurt something in the worst way in hopes that it will make you feel better. It is sad to watch farmers lose out to big farming, to see parents who can’t send their child to college, to not be able to feed your kids nor have a slice of the American Dream. I get that.

What I don’t get is the hate that it’s someone else’s fault. Our lives are a line, sometimes straight and sometimes crooked, of decisions that we make. What happens to us is our own fault. Sure, circumstances would seem to point differently. But let’s think about the jobs those so-called illegal immigrants have supposedly taken from you. Right now, they hold the most menial of jobs overall. They are cleaning toilets, picking produce, making beds and doing the things that MOST white America does NOT want to do. So what’s the problem with them? Nothing. The problem is your attitude that shoving them out will make a difference. It won’t.

We, the white people of America, brought the slaves here to pick our cotton and help us in whatever we needed. It is our fault that they are here. Most of them didn’t want to come here at all. They had homes, families and a totally different way of life. But wars in their own countries lead to other blacks selling them off. Today, they are a vital part of our society and have achieved much for our country. What’s the problem with them? Nothing, they are just different than you. Pushing them out will solve nothing. Nothing.

And we started out doing the wrong thing from the moment we stepped foot on this shore, we the white people, when we cheated the Indians, the true First Peoples of this great land of ours. We continue to cheat them because we MUST maintain our way of life. We cheat them out of land, out of privilege and out of their rights because it impedes our progress. Never mind that we’re killing the environment to do it. Never mind that we’re trampling on THEIR RIGHTS because it’s OUR country. Yeah, kiss that theory goodbye.

Let’s get one thing straight. The earth is no one’s. I have always been surprised it hasn’t shaken us off like a bunch of fleas. It has limited resources that we are depleting daily and we’re not getting the big picture here because we only live a hundred years. We have no earth perspective because most humans can’t fathom that much time. For those of us who can, the world is a scary place and is about to make our lives miserable. Climate change is here and there is no denying it. We must do our part to prevent it so there is a world for our children, our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren and down the line.

Lastly, we need to get off this rock, something that can only be accomplished when we work together. Our world, like ourselves, has a limited lifetime. If we don’t start looking for alternatives, we will die out as a species. No, it’s not going to happen today or tomorrow or even twenty years from now unless some sort of unforeseen catastrophe hits us. But it will happen and the species needs to be working together toward the goal of space travel.

My final note is about Trump himself. The man needs to speak up if he really wants unity in this country. He needs to do what’s right by all of us. That means, he needs to address the protest, the anti-hate crimes and other things happening around this country because of the election. He needs to be firm yet embrace us all because we are all in this together. He needs to take the wind out of their sails and make them understand their behavior if it’s bad is not right or good for this country. He won with only 25.8% of the voting populace because over 50% of them feel so disenfranchised that they don’t vote because in their honest opinion their vote DOESN’T matter. The rest of us are trying to make sense of this horrible week and move on with our lives.

Good or bad, this is what is happening to us. We need to make it work for everyone, not just the few who won but every man, woman and child in this great land we call home.

Here’s a few articles that have rolled across my social media I think you should read:

That’s about it for today. See you tomorrow with more.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Changing the USA ~ #IamtheResistance #StrongerTogether #LoveTrumpsHate

Now that we’ve had sometimes to process this information, we can note that the things in the media are pretty scary. This isn’t good nor is it right on either side to ever resort to violence. We know that the Trump side will do just that and we need to keep out of their cross hairs. BUT let’s not drop to their level and do the same to them. Avoid or ignore them when you can, fight only if you must.

Everyone needs to be in this together. We are stronger together than a few here or a few there. We as a people must let those who hate, for whatever reason, know that they are wrong. Hate is never an answer. The first thing we must do is to get behind some cause we support. Chances are many of those same people won’t sign petitions, won’t support causes and that’s neither here or there. What is important is what YOU do. Don’t worry about them. Worry about what you do, what the person in the mirror is committed to doing and we’ll get through this just fine.

On the agenda today are some articles and petitions that have been passed along to me during this second day. Some will make you cry, some will make you mad but all of them should make you motivated. I also want to let you know this blog has become part of my personal action plan to take back my America. Yes, it’s an America for all BUT without the hate and bias that some seem to want. That never works. People do want only the good for our country and yes, we all have different opinions. We all need to work toward that and only that.

Here’s a petition to change how the Electoral College votes. In recent years, we all know that there have been two presidents that lost the election even though they won the popular vote. That’s wrong in my opinion. The will of the people should always come before anything, providing those people are willing to air their griveances. Anyway, figure out what’s best for you. Sign it or don’t but at least look at it, form an opinion then move on to the next thing.

Also with the petition above is a website that explains what the popular vote really is and why the electoral college needs to change.

Here’s a petition regarding the environment. I must confess I am going to do some more research into it as I hadn’t heard of this particular group before. I can tell you that when I am writing petitions myself, a lot of them will be regarding the environment. Again, look at it and decide what is best for you. It would be nice if Obama could sign a few things to make the environment safe for a little while longer. But Trump needs to know this…he has a major fight on his hands if he tries to make things worse in this arena…millions of us won’t stand by and let him do it.

This is more scary than anything else I will show you today. Some pretty sad things happened yesterday. Protests happened all over the nation, and that’s fine with the exception of Oakland, most of them were pretty peaceful. But these articles and imagines, they are anything but peaceful. If President-elect Trump doesn’t stop this now, there will be some sort of meltdown. And it won’t be good. I mean, nothing in this world makes the second article’s first picture remotely right in my world. You can’t tell me that things won’t escalate. It’s going to get ugly before it gets better.

Here are some general articles for your reading pleasure, or not so much but they are things that need to be shared.

This is all I have today but stay strong as we are stronger together.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

America ~ What have you done? ~ #LibertyDies #AmericaCries #StartingOver

So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause. ~ Princess Amidala, Star Wars 3

My country died tonight. The one I was born in, the one I grew up in, the one I fought to get back to when a job circumstance took me out of it. Many of you will think that I’m am wrong but let’s think about this for a moment from my perspective.

I am a true believer of the words written on the Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!  The other things I truly believe in are government without religious interference, a place where I am free to make decisions about my own body, a country where there is no glass ceiling because I’m a woman, a country where all can get married that want to get married, a place that readily accepts the LGBTQ community without prejudice, a place for Hispanics as well as those of the Muslim faith and I truly believe the people of America have elected someone who will be the death of democracy.

Trump’s rhetoric wasn’t aimed at the populace who voted him in, mainly uneducated white Christian males. He just touched a nerve, played on their fears and frustrations made so by the system as it stands. No, it was aimed at the minorities that stand to lose the most. It was putting them on notice. We must keep them safe at all cost. We must keep their freedom safe at all cost. If we don’t, we are not keeping to the original tenets of this country. Times change and our outlook needs to change too of that I am sure. I am sorry if many don’t want it…too late…it’s here in a big, big way. Change this way is a slap in the face and it more than likely won’t give us the results we want.

There is room for everyone in this world, not matter who they are. It’s time to get race, sex, sexual orientation, political affiliation and religion off the table as judging tools and discord. This country needs to remember who we are…we the people…that’s who we are. We don’t give in, we don’t give up, we don’t elect those who won’t serve us all. We are hurting, though some of us are jubilant, but we’re all still we the people.

That means no matter who you are, you need to get along with your fellow Americans. We need to look beyond this election and realize the fact the fight isn’t over. The fight for good will never be over. The man who has been elected is repulsive and horrid and everything so many of us aren’t. We have to deal with it and use the system to fight him. Use our democracy to override what he wants and make it what we the people want. We need to make sure that this rich, arrogant man won’t stick it to each and every one of we the people.

I wish I could believe his speech as he accepted that he had won. But I can’t. I can’t because of his actions. He will need a lot of positive actions to get my support in any way, shape or form. I know you’re telling me to get over it, grieve, heal, move on…but something is telling me that I’m in the fight for my way of life…for the American way of life.