Thursday, July 20, 2017

Dominion Over All ~ #ChasingCoral #HowClimateChangeEffectsLives #HowClimateChangeEffectsMe

As a kid growing up in Ohio, I went to church every Sunday. Many times the lessons revolved around how humans, mankind, was given dominion over all. This was drilled into many a Christian head and I think that it has come back to bite us. Heresy, you say…I think not…because no where does God say we have a right to end any of the species on the earth. Too many have taken that version to the point we’re going to end up killing ourselves.

Yes, God gives us his word in Genesis 1:26 that states: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Do any of you read somewhere in there that we’re allowed to cause the death of anything we have dominion over? Didn’t think so.

This is one of the big reasons I stopped going to church. Notice I said church because I didn’t disbelieve in God but I started to not believe in the religious order of any faction. Why you may ask…my God wouldn’t want me to think I’m above the law…especially his law. One of the ten commandments says though shall not kill. In my opinion, it should have said though shall not kill or be killed any person or the creatures that I gave you dominion over all.

Personally, I chose to think that God is rather displeased with the way we are running things. See, we’re killing the planet and frankly, most of the world’s population don’t care. Will you care when we’ve killed the last elephant? Destroyed the last coral reef? Or breathe our last breath of fresh air? Drink our last drop of fresh water?

I’m sure you’re wondering where all this came from and where it’s leading too. Today, I watched a documentary. It was called Chasing Coral ( and somewhere in the middle, I found myself crying like a baby because of the truth on the screen. A picture can say a thousand words and when you see great portions of the worlds corals dying because of the change in ocean temperature, it’s a sobering thing. A thing that makes me cry because everything is so connected.

And for those naysayers, it’s happening world wide, not just the Great Barrier Reef or in the Carribean or Hawaii but everywhere. EVERYWHERE one of the man producers of oxygen is dying. What? You didn’t know that these reefs produce the very air you breath. It’s done so since the beginning of time, since the moment they came into existence. No matter you believe that is the truth.

Healthy Reef

Dying Reef via Bleaching Event in Thailand

I don’t care who you listen to but the facts are this: rainforests only produce 28% of the air you breath and 70% is produced by marine plants. That only leaves a mere 2% coming from other sources like all the other plants in the world and chemical reactions. No oceans, no people.

We were given guardianship over this earth and we’re screwing it up, people. Frankly, I wanted to use harsher language but I’m hoping that you’ll share this with everyone you can. We need to realize we are killing our own future if we don’t take this climate change bull by the horns and bend it to our will. We MUST change otherwise we will kill our own species along with everything else that is beautiful and wonderful about this place we call home.

The current administration is bad for us because of this one point. They only care for the here and now while we really need to be caring for the future and then. Our kids and grandkids will have a horrible, horrible world if we don’t do what we can when we can. If we don’t fix it NOW, we may never have another chance. In the movie Chasing Coral, it was noted that the world experts estimate we only have about 25 years before the coral is dead. Since coral is the rainforest of the ocean, it’s imperative we slow down global change as much as we can today.

Someone said, it takes a village…now…we all know who that someone was and the fact is that she was correct. These conclusions weren’t done just by people in the most educated areas of the world but worldwide. Volunteers from 30 countries gave information to help make this film.

Watch it and draw your own conclusions. We, the human race, have dominion over it all. Are we strong enough to save it?